For more than 29 years, Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia has been working with low income and vulnerable families to help them move to decent houses, and get access to improved hygiene and sanitation services. In 2016 we launched Disaster Risk Response and Reduction-DR3 Project to assist families who are affected by drought and severe shortage of water. Currently, HFH is implementing its programs in  Addis Ababa, Kombolcha, Bahir Dar, Dessie towns and Arsi Negele and Shalla districts in Oromiya Region.


To expand its work in terms of scale and depth  and reach more families through housing, water, sanitation and hygiene, Habitat Ethiopia is developing strategic plan. While the strategic plan development is in progress, we take into account the multidimensional poverty challenges in Ethiopia to diversify our interventions and bring about impact at community, sector and societal levels. The key components of the strategic are programs designed to address urgent needs.


Our program help build strength, stability and self-reliance.

Habitat Ethiopia works to improve the living conditions of Vulnerable Groups through construction of new houses, renovation of existing homes and other essential services. It also pays attention to capacity building and community organization for sustainable change. Read more…

Ethiopia Habitat for HumanityIn partnership with our donors, we assist families to get access get to clean water and sanitation facilities for households and communities. Through promotion of personal and environmental hygiene, this intervention help improve the health and safety of families and communities. Read more…



In response to the drought which affected millions of people in the country Habitat Ethiopia has launched Disaster Risk Response and Reduction Program. The program aims at assisting families who face acute shortage of water through Water, Sanitation and Hygiene-WASH projects. Read more...



Volunteer Engagement

In partnership with other Habitat offices, we mobilize volunteers to work alongside families, to raise awareness on Habitat’s work and create sustainable partnership. Read more…

Saving led Housing Finance

This program Focuses on improving homes for low-income families through self-help saving schemes.

Promotion of Community Development Interventions

The purpose of this program is to enhance Habitat Ethiopia’s participation in national networks, forums and campaigns.

Build project management, leadership capability, and center of excellence

This program mainly focuses on staff development, organizational learning and development.

Resource Mobilization

Habitat Ethiopia works in partnership with people and organizations to mobilize the necessary resources. Habitat Ethiopia’s funding sources include grants, tithe donations, individual contributions, institutions, HFHI unrestricted and restricted funds, and Global Village donations.