Stand for Her Land at Great Ethiopian Run

Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia staff participated in the Great Ethiopian Run together with Stand for Her Land (S4HL) Country Coalition members and other partners. The 10 km Great Run which engaged elite athletes from various countries and 45,000 participants took place in Addis Ababa on November 19, 2023.

The event was a great opportunity for the staff and partners to impart a unified voices enthusiastically for Women Land Rights and Habitat for Humanity’s work.

President of Ethiopia Sahlework Zewude, Health Minster Dr. Liya Tadesse, Women and Social Affairs Minister Dr. Ergego Tesfaye and World Athletics Legend Major Haile Gebre Silassie commenced the event.

The Great Run was an incredible event where Habitat for Humanity staff, Stand for Her Lan Coalition members and other partners came together to showcase commitment to work together for sustainable impact on women’s land rights.  It was a memorable day of health and fitness.



More on Stand for Her land Project                                         More on Great Ethiopian Run