New Home Key, New Hope !
Through support from LG Electronics and Community Chest of Korea, Habitat for Humanity Korea, Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia has been able to successfully complete the three-year project. The project intends to improve the wellbeing of vulnerable families, including Korean War Veterans, in Gulele and Yeka sub-cities of Addis Ababa through decent housing, Water, Sanitation, Hygiene (WASH) facilities, capacity building and job opportunities.
Through ‘Life’s Good: Hope Village’- Housing and WASH Project, we have delivered 10 communal toilets, 14 communal and individual kitchens and other basic service facilities which positively impact more than 43,200 people in informal settlements.
Twenty-eight families moved to new houses in the first and second phases of the project and seven families become homeowners on February 15, 2024. Apart from housing, WASH facilities and hygiene training, the project facilitates vocational training and job creation initiatives for the youth.
Handing over home keys to families, Mr. Jung Kang, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Ethiopia said, ‘’The work accomplished by Habitat for Humanity and LG Electronics changes the lives of families who face multiple challenges.’’
Habitat for Humanity Director and Representative to the African Union, Mr. Yitna Tekalegn on his part said, ‘’We work with partners like LG Electronics to help families achieve their strength and self-reliance and lead stable life.’’
LG Electronics Ethiopia Office Country Director, Mr. Seung Hwan Yang mentioned at the home key handover ceremony, ‘’Our partnership is a demonstration of longtime relation between Koran and Ethiopian peoples; I hope we improve the lives of families together.’’
Project Closeout workshop
Home key and over event