Sanitation and income generation.

It is clearly seen that the city of Addis Ababa has two distinct features, the most developed areas with skyscrapers, business centers and luxurious homes, and vast slums with crowded settlements, old and deteriorated homes, without adequate water, toilets and drainage systems.

Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia assists families to have decent houses, safe water and improved sanitation facilities through Urban Slum Upgrading Project. The project aims at providing integrated services. Communal and public toilets have been constructed to serve families and also as income generating services facilities for women who have no job. 

Lideta Sub city, Wereda(district) 10 is one of the densely populated residential areas in Addis Ababa.  Similar to other densely populated areas in Addis Ababa, the sub city lacks proper sanitation schemes; most families do not have private latrines and shower facilities. Habitat Ethiopia’s Slum Upgrading Project brings significant change in improving personal hygiene and environmental sanitation. In 2022, blocks of public toilet facility containing latrines, showers, water kiosk and hand wash taps have been constructed.

The public toilet and related facilities serve 500 families per day on average.  With approval from the users and local administration, 12 women are selected and organized; they clean and administer the facilities and collect service fees as additional income for their families, and for maintenance. Ever since the facilities started service the area has been changed to healthy living environment which will have positive impact on the health and well-being of the residents.

More about the project..