Debre Berhan is a town located 120 km north-east of Addis Ababa. Historically, Debre Berhan was established as the capital…
Debre Berhan is a town located 120 km north-east of Addis Ababa. Historically, Debre Berhan was established as the capital of Shewa Kingdom in 1438 by Emperor Zera Yaecob. The area is known for relatively cold weather ranging from 24° Celsius to little bit below zero in November and December with lowest recorded temperature of -2° Celsius. The rainy season falls between June and September. The town has an average elevation of 2,750 meter above see level.
With a population of about 378,000, Debre Berhan is a highland town endowed with an impressive landscape that attracts trade and investment.
Like many other towns in Ethiopia, the housing need in Debre Berhan is quite significant. Many families live in sub-standard housing without adequate water and sanitation facilities. Low income and families affected by vulnerabilities live in old, deteriorated houses made of wood, mud and corrugated iron sheet. Debre Berhan towns lacks household water supply, sanitation, hygiene, and solid waste management practices
With the aim of assisting families and individuals in dire need, Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia started work in Debre Berhan in 2004. Since then, decent and healthy houses have been constructed for families in need of shelter.
Before HFH Ethiopia started constructing homes in northern part of Debre Berhan called ‘Dibicho’ in 2004, the area was abandoned and used for garbage disposal. Even some families were not willing to become homeowners as the area was unwanted. Eventually, as Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia cleared the areas and constructed the first few homes for families affected by various aspects of vulnerability low income and vulnerable family, the government started to provide land in the surrounding to families who afford constructing their own homes. The area turns to large settlement and new part of the town. Then, the government constructed a high school and health center. The Global Village team from USA who helped build homes families in Debre Berhan constructed a primary school. Habitat partners families grow themselves in many ways, started small businesses, upgraded their homes and lead community life.
Habitat has one of the best experiences of housing intervention in Debre Berhan town where we have built more than 635 houses in large settlement areas called “the Habitat Village”, inhabited by more than 5,953 individuals. This settlement is one of the largest Habitat settlements globally. Moreover, Habitat has built a 12-seat school toilet for schoolgirls, and 5 communal toilets in the slum areas of Debre Berhan which served a total of 1,500 students and 312 individuals.