Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia have been working in 19 towns and rural areas for the last 29 years. As we aim to assist individuals, families and communities to transform their living conditions, we leverage participation of local administration, community leaders and volunteers. .
Before initiating projects, we work with government and community representatives to asses the need for housing, safe water and improved sanitation. Selection of target communities and families to be served is carried out based on pre-defined criteria giving priority to urban and rural areas most affected by poverty and various contexts of vulnerability. About 70% of housing units in Ethiopia require total replacement and only 17% of the population practice improved hygiene behaviors. Access to improved sanitation is only 28% at national level and only 57% of the 117 million Ethiopians have access to safe drinking water.
Given the complex nature of poverty, vulnerability and high need in the country, selection of communities and families require involvement of stake holders and target family members. Depending on the availability of resources, we regularly review target locations and move to areas with highest needs.
Current Project Locations
Current Project Locations
Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia works with families and communities.
Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia works with families and communities.