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Urban Slum Upgrading Main Project

The urban slum upgrading project is implemented in Akaki Kality,  Lideta, Gullele and  sub cities of Addis Ababa. This project spans over several years with the purpose of assisting families and individuals affected by various forms of vulnerability and poverty. Through this project, we work to create opportunities for families to move to new houses and get access to  safe water and improved sanitation facilities. 

The project involves construction of houses, communal toilets, water points, walkways and ditches. Urban slum upgrading ensures the sustainable use of facilities and creates a healthy living environment through hygiene and sanitation training and promotion of financial saving practices.

Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia designs and implements this project which constitutes multiple projects and  substitute existing ones that phase out in a year. To ensure successful implementation, sustainability and greater impact, Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia works with municipalities and other organizations.

Through this project, Habitat Ethiopia delivers integrated basic services for families affected by poverty and various aspects of vulnerability through:

  • Construction of decent housing and improved kitchens
  • Water, sanitation, and hygiene intervention which includes:
    • Communal and public toilets
    • School toilets
    • Water services, group tap and Water kiosk
    • Drainage system improvement
    • Community education on hygiene awareness
  • Youth and women empowerment training for employment creation.
  • Mapping of areas affected by flood and training for individuals at risk.
  • Improving the life of girls through hygiene and sanitation Intervention.

Urban Slum Upgrading Project with multiple components.

With support from our partners, we assist families to move to new houses, get access to adequate water and improved sanitation services.

Empowerment of Vulnerable Community-COINS

In partnership with COINS Foundation and Habitat for Humanity Great Britain, we have successfully completed the first phase of Vulnerable Community Empowerment project as part of the Urban Slum Upgrading (USU) project in three districts of Addis Ababa.

Housing and Health for Vulnerable Families

Habitat for humanity Ethiopia have been working in partnership with TowerBrook Foundation and Habitat for Humanity Great Britain to empower families and individuals challenged by poverty and help them ensure their safety and dignity.

Life’s Good: Hope Village Project

Through support from LG Electronics and Community Chest of Korea, Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia has been able to successfully complete the three-year project. The project intends to improve the wellbeing of vulnerable families, including Korean War Veterans, in Gulele and Yeka sub-cities of Addis Ababa through decent housing, Water, Sanitation, Hygiene (WASH) facilities, capacity building and job opportunities.